Individual Employment

Your Employee Rights

The rights you have as an employee are vitally important to you.

Whether you feel that you are being bullied, have been discriminated against, or unfairly dismissed, we have the expertise to ensure your rights are protected. We have been protecting employee rights for over 30 years. 


Bullying can be verbal, physical, social, or psychological abuse aimed at making you feel intimidated. It includes constant criticism about the way you do things, separating you from your colleagues, or not including you in work activities. Sometimes you are kept in the dark about things you are supposed to know so you can do your job properly. It might be that some of your responsibilities are taken away, or you are made to do basic tasks that are not truly part of your role.

Discrimination in the workplace

Discrimination is when you are being treated differently at work because you belong to a certain group of people and could be based on something like your race, your religion, your sex, or your age. 

Discrimination manifests in many ways. It could be that you get fewer shifts than your co-workers. Or that your colleagues are excluding or isolating you. Perhaps you are not getting as many training opportunities or are being overlooked for promotions.  

Steps to follow in the event of bullying or discrimination

  • Tell someone you trust about it and keep written notes about what happened, who was involved and when it happened.
  • Tell your employer and get an incident report as soon as possible.
  • See a doctor if you suffer a physical or mental injury. Get a WorkSafe medical certificate if necessary.
  • Lodge a workers compensation claim within 30 days.

How we can help

Our team of experts can help protect your rights while you are still at work or even after you have left your employment. Our areas of expertise include:

  • Workplace discrimination and bullying
  • Unfair dismissals and redundancy entitlements 
  • Workplace investigations  
  • Underpayment issues

Speak with one of our Employment experts today!